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MSN Programe

MSN ProgrameMSN Messenger, Hotmail, Netmeeting dhe msn groups postoni gjitha kėtu a po nese ju keni deshir te pyteni ju lutem kėtu postimet...nėn-forume: Pytje & Pėrgjigje, MSN Tips & Tricks, MSN programe tjera.
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mIRC Programe

mIRC ProgrameForumi pėr mIRC (Internet Relay Chat) Mundeni te Vendoseni scripte pėr mIRC a po programme te ndryshme...nėn-forume: mIRC Scripts, mIRC Tutoriale
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Yahoo Programe

Forumi pėr Yahoo messenger dhe per programme e triks tė Yahoo... postoni kėtu...
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Ketu mund te psotoni dhe te gjeni Fresh ProxY/Sock`S
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